The US Smartphone Users View Their Phones 52 Times Per Day

According to CNET reports, Deloitte’s 2018 Global Mobile Consumer Survey shows that US users view their smartphones on average 52 times a day, up from 47 times last year. Deloitte also found that nearly two-thirds of users want to lower this number.


The survey shows that many people are trying to reduce the number of times they view their phones. About 40% of people think that they use their smartphones too many times. In addition, 60% of respondents between the ages of 18 and 34 admitted to being addicted to their devices. Deloitte said in a statement that this year’s survey further proves that smartphones have become the real center of our lives, and smartphones are still the device of choice for consumers, allowing them to communicate, work, socialize, and consume.

A Pew Research Center research report this summer showed that the percentage of users who want to reduce the use of smartphones is 54%, and now that number has increased to 63%. Thus, 63% of respondents tried to limit their use of smartphones, but only about half of them succeeded. Apple has been pushing screen usage time to help people reduce their dependence on the iPhone.

Deloitte’s research also includes some other information:

  • Now 14% of US users use smartwatches, an increase of 1% over last year.
  • The proportion of using Siri and other smart assistants has increased by 11%.
  • The US smart speaker users almost doubled from 12% to 20%.
  • The proportion of tablet users has dropped from 62% to 57%.

Deloitte also found that 60% of Americans now say that 5G will be an important factor in their choice of the next generation of smartphones. According to previous reports, the 5G network is expected to be partially available next year, and Apple will add it to the 2020 iPhone after further testing.

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